I’m Malibu, the 14-month-old, ragdoll cross of the Golden Tails Program. I’m an excellent example of what Golden Tails can do for an animal in need of special care and how your sponsorship can help give an animal like me the special care they require. This is my story.
Last year I was surrendered to Happy Tails from my litter by a backyard breeder. Not the best start! I was pre-adopted at Carrara Cat Carnival, but before going on adoption trial, it was sadly discovered I am urinary incontinent. Being urinary incontinent means I do not receive a signal from my brain telling me my bladder is full, so I simply urinate without my knowing.
Happy Tails took me to four different vets for treatment of my condition, but each one of them suggested I be euthanized due to the fact that I will be easily prone to urinary tract infections and skin infections from the leaked urine sticking to my fur. Happy Tails, however, refused to give up on me, but knowing I would be unable to get adopted, placed me in the Golden Tails Program. After going through five different carers, I am now in my forever home with one of the Happy Tails foster carers.
Despite my condition, I am an incredibly friendly and outgoing cat, who enjoys food, the outside cat enclosure, my best friend Sully and parenting the endless supply of foster kittens.
Though now enjoying my forever home, I am still in need of your help. I must take the medications Prazosin and Urocarb twice daily. These medications help me control my urine leaks, help prevent infections and help me maintain full control of my excretions. Before these medications, I also could not fully control my excretions. These medications vastly improve my quality of life, but they are also expensive. The Prazosin costs $200 a year and the Urocarb costs $41.15 a year and this is just the cost of my medication. I also cost $450 a year to feed, $150 for flea and worming treatments, plus the costs of vaccinations and health care.
The Golden Tails Program does everything it can to keep up with my costings, but there are many other residents in the program that also require various medications, plus they all need food, vaccinations and health care. This is where you come in, by sponsoring me you can help pay for the care I need to maintain my quality of life.
I am a prime example of the fantastic, life-saving work the Golden Tails Program does for rejected animals. For even after four vets believed it would be kinder to end my life, the Happy Tails team believed I deserved a second chance and their Golden Tails Program has given me that second chance at life. But it is only through sponsorship that Golden Tails can provide animals, like me, with a second chance, so please sponsor me and my other Golden Tails friends.
Thank you from the bottom of my little kitty heart,
Malibu. ♥