GOLDEN TAILS: sebastian
Should having health issues mean you aren’t allowed a good quality life? No, I didn’t think so and neither did the team at Happy Tails. My name is Sebastian, I’m 10 and a half, a diabetic and I have severe leg deformities as a side effect of my untreated diabetes. But that’s not all I am, I’m also super affectionate towards both my carer and my fellow foster cat siblings. My question to you is; do I deserve the chance at a better quality of life? Let me go back to the start and hopefully I can convince you to say yes.
I came to happy Tails just over a month ago from an animal shelter. The animal shelter found I was not rehomable, due to my health issues, and so asked Happy Tails if they would look after me for the time I had left. They agreed, and I was placed in their Golden Tails program. A program which finds foster homes for animals who cannot be adopted normally.
Happy Tails believes I was a neglect case, as they discovered I was not medicated for my diabetes for an extended period of time. My untreated diabetes, as already discussed, led to leg deformities (Carpal hyperextension with plantigrade) is how it’s described. This basically means I walk awkwardly and really loudly. A diabetic diet and regular insulin has helped with my carpal (front) legs a bit, but I’ll never fully recover.
The care I have received me in my foster home has begun to give me a better quality of life and I know I can achieve an even better one, but this is where I need you help. As I’m sure you can guess, my diabetic diet and medication is not cheap (plus there is also flea and worming treatments, vaccinations and health checks) and Happy Tails sadly has limited funds and many other animals to care for as well. However, by sponsoring me you can help pay for my treatments and I continue working towards that better quality of life I know I’m capable of.
Please sponsor me, my carer’s other cats have finally accepted me and now treat me as part of the gang. I don’t want to lose this.
Thank you to everyone who believes I deserve a chance a better quality of life. You all deserve a big Sebastian hug.